Ashley has been my nearest and dearest friend for practically my entire life. We met when we were two, grew up together, and still talk every. single. day. After high school, we decided to attend different colleges (to everyone’s surprise), but we never lost our bond. When Ashley moved to Blacksburg, I visited. When I moved to Harrisonburg, she visited. When Ashley moved to NYC, I visited. When I moved to Virginia Beach, she visited. When Ashley came back home to Farmville to open her own law firm, I visited. Needless to say, there have been a plethora of moves and many life changes along the way, but one thing that has remained is our best friend bond!
When Ashley told me she was planning to open her own law firm and needed some professional headshots, I was SO EXCITED and so honored she asked me to be her photographer!!! Ashley is one of the smartest and hardest working people I know – and I know A LOT of people. I just know she is going to have an incredibly successful business, because she’s already an amazing lawyer!! If you’re in Prince Edward or the surrounding counties, check out Sterling Legal, PLLC for all of your legal needs.